Thursday 1 December 2016

Dec 1st Filming

Today our group started the filming process for our title sequence. We filmed the classroom scene where the stalker comes into Mia's lesson in a college classroom.

We also had shots of Mia using her phone as well as the stalker using his phone behind Mia in the background. 

We decided that we want the stalker's face to be hidden to add a sense of mystery to the character, so that not only is the character unknown to Mia but to the audience as well.

So for example, when it came to filming the stalker walking inside, the camera was directly behind the stalker the entirety of him walking in so that his face couldn't be seen by the camera.

This in turn makes the audience want to watch more to find out his real identity and his relation to Mia.

The use of the fig rig helped incredibly to film this shot as it helped the camera to stay steady whilst in motion, resulting in a smooth clean shot of the stalker walking in.

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