Thursday 17 November 2016

Blog Task 37- planning film ideas

Planning Film Ideas- mise en scene  

The main film idea:
The genre of the film is horror and is it is about a stalker that ha heres been bullied by the main characters (Mia) boyfriend and he then goes after Mia to seek revenge. 

Key props:
-Household tools
-Film blood
-Steady camera

A phone is one of the main props that will be used as Mia is stalked on social media- which will be shown on her phone or laptop. She also receives unknown calls and texts from the stalker without her knowledge.

A steady camera is also crucial because you cannot film without a camera. We will be filming in college and Mia's home, and we will also present the other characters and the stalkers plots and ideas.

Film blood will also be used as it is crucial to the genre of our film- horror. We will be getting this from ebay.

Weapons and household tools will also be used and shown to emphasise the genre and tense dangerous moments. This will be taken from Mia's home.

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