Thursday 12 January 2017

Jan 12th Editing

After we finished filming, we went up to the classroom and immediately put the scene into the edit. As well as this, we trimmed parts of the edit where the camera was out of focus so that the shots were clean and had focus. 

For example in the picture below there was a segment where the camera took a long time to focus on the phone when it was brought up, so we cut and trimmed it so that the focus came quicker and smoother.

This edit will be vital as it will help to keep the opening sequence progressing and not to bore the audience.

At this stage, the current opening sequence is 3 minutes long, which is too long so we will spend the next lesson focusing on cutting the sequence down to 2 minutes long. In addition, titles and music still need to be added, so our aim will be to complete these.

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