Monday, 23 January 2017

Q6- what have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product

Pre lim
For the filming of our pre lim task we used a video camera and to edit the footage we used premiere pro.

For the actual filming of our creation a professional video camera was used. At first the camera provided us with shaky, mediocre footage however once we got accustomed to the camera we were able to use the zoom and focus lens to produce cinematic footage.
In my opinion the most useful technology we used was premier pro as it gave us full control over the footage we had captured and allowed us to shorten clips that were too long, which could have drawn the audience further away from the film. By organising the clips in an order the app allowed us to create a narrative and plot where one event evolves onto the other.
If premier pro was not available I do not believe that we could have created a title sequence.

Premier pro allowed us to gather all the footage placing it in the order we wanted, cutting the scenes to the correct length so that the film didn’t lose its interest and flowed correctly.
For the creation of our logo we used ‘online logo creator’ where shapes, patterns and text were used to form our own ident.

Using the zoom and focus helped us to create more interesting scenes for example the one above. We used the focus to convey the text messages being sent from one to the other. By switching up the camera work it meant the scenes were left unpredictable and kept interest throughout.

Instead of using a pre made soundtrack we decided to make out own using logic pro x. By using the stock instruments in the software I was able to create an eerie opening soundtrack ending with tension when the title 'Mia' appears on the screen. The tension rises during this part of track as the volume increases and the violins are accompanied with church choir chants and a suitable synth.

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