Thursday 13 October 2016

T5 - What makes a good title sequence according to Kyle Cooper?

Kyle Cooper Interview Part 1

Kyle Cooper Interview Part 2

Kyle Cooper, known for bringing new life to main title sequences, thinks that a good title sequence has to dovetail into the film seamlessly, so that it will make the audience focus on the film and forget everything else. 

One of Kyle Cooper's favourite title sequences is "Deadzone". 

He said that this is because it had included simple typography and the music fitted the genre.

Another one of Kyle Cooper's favourite title sequences is "To Kill A Mockingbird" 

The reason he likes this title sequence is that the Typography was integrated into the film and it was brilliantly photographed.

Kyle Cooper believes a good title sequence must (be):

  • Seamless
  • Be believable to an audience so it's as if they forget they are watching the screen
  • Inform the audience with details of what the film contains

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